Emergency Appeal
Alkhidmat Provides Fresh Bread to Displaced Gazan Families

In a continued effort to support displaced families in North Gaza, Alkhidmat Foundation has been tirelessly distributing fresh bread to those in need. Amidst the ongoing challenges faced by the Palestinians, the provision of essential food supplies remains a top priority for Alkhidmat.

This Ramadan, the organization calls upon generous donors to contribute their Zakat and Sadaqah to sustain the fresh bread supply in Gaza. With your support, Alkhidmat aims to ensure that families have access to nutritious food during this holy month and beyond.

Over the past 175 days, Alkhidmat has remained steadfast in its commitment to delivering nonstop relief aid in Gaza, working closely with international partners on the ground to address the urgent needs of the community. Your donations play a vital role in sustaining these efforts and providing vital assistance to those affected by the ongoing crisis.

As Ramadan unfolds its blessings, let us come together to make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Gaza. Your contribution will not only provide nourishment but also bring hope and relief to those facing adversity. Join Alkhidmat in supporting displaced Gazan families and spreading compassion during this sacred time.

By Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan

Bio. Press Release

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