Emergency Appeal
Alkhidmat Distributes Ramadan Food Packs in South Gaza

In the spirit of compassion and solidarity, Alkhidmat  invites you to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in South Gaza. This Ramadan, your generosity can make a world of difference by providing essential Ramadan food packs to those in need.

As families in South Gaza navigate through challenging circumstances, the provision of nutritious meals during Ramadan becomes all the more crucial. Your Zakat and Sadaqah can ensure that these families have access to sustenance and nourishment during this sacred month.

Alkhidmat is committed to delivering vital support to communities in South Gaza, where the need is great and resources are scarce. Through your donations, we can provide immediate relief and bring hope to those facing hardship.

Join us in this mission of care and compassion. Your contribution will not only feed hungry stomachs but also uplift spirits and inspire hope in the hearts of our Gazan brothers and sisters.

Together, let us make a meaningful impact this Ramadan. Donate now to Aghosh Alkhidmat USA and be a source of light and blessings for those in need.

By Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan

Bio. Press Release

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