Press Conference
Weekly Highlights (September 01 – 07, 2024)
  • September 9, 2024
  • Updated about

Aghosh Alkhidmat Kohat marked Defence Day
Kohat: Aghosh Alkhidmat Kohat observed Pakistan Defence Day with a ceremony featuring Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman, President of Alkhidmat Foundation Pakistan, as the chief guest. He honored the sacrifices of the Pakistan Army and emphasized the importance of national unity. The event included student performances of the national anthem, patriotic songs, and a tableau celebrating the bravery of the 1965 war heroes, all of which were warmly received by the audience.

Emergency Training in Swat
Swat: Alkhidmat volunteers in Swat have completed training to offer emergency aid and first aid during disasters. Their skills include rescuing affected individuals.

Eye Camp in Haripur
Haripur: Alkhidmat Foundation hosted a free eye camp in Haripur, examining over 800 patients and performing cataract surgeries of 50 individuals. Free spectacles and medicines were also provided.

Support for Orphans
Peshawar: Alkhidmat Foundation reviewed the performance of Aghosh Alkhidmat Homes, highlighting the positive impact on children’s upbringing and education.

Free Medical Relief to Kohat Jail
Kohat: Free Medicines were delivered to Central Jail Kohat by Alkhidmat Foundation for the treatment of inmates, with a delegation meeting the jail administration to discuss the further support.

Relief for Flood Victims
Dir Upper: Alkhidmat Foundation distributed food packages and relief items to flood-affected families in Thal and Kumrat Kohistan, addressing the severe impact of the floods.

World Charity Day at Chitral School
Chitral: Students at Alkhidmat Foundation School Chitral marked World Charity Day by paying tribute to donors who support the foundation’s missions.

Assistance for Flood Victims in Reech Village
Chitral Upper: Alkhidmat Foundation provided food and tents to flood victims in Reech village near the Pakistan-Tajikistan border, where many homes were destroyed.

Saving Malnourished Children
Charsadda: Alkhidmat Hospital in Charsadda is addressing the crisis of malnourished children and seeks support to improve their futures.

Bano Qabil Interviews Held in Bannu
Bannu: The Bano Qabil interviews for Southern Districts were held in Bannu. Students who were selected will soon join free IT classes. Interviews for other districts will be scheduled and announced soon

Success Stories
Peshawar: Shayan Ahmed, an Alkhidmat scholarship recipient, is pursuing a BS in Economics.
Bismah is advancing toward her goal of becoming a doctor. With the support of the Alkhidmat Academic Scholarship, she is currently pursuing an MBBS degree at Dow Medical College.
Donations of just 9,000 PKR/month can help more students achieve their dreams.

Pakistan Defence Day Celebrations
Charsadda:  students at Alkhidmat Foundation School Behlola Campus Charsadda observed Pakistan Defence Day and honored national heroes and martyrs with heartfelt tributes.
Similarly; Aghosh Alkhidmat Homes and Alkhidmat Foundation Schools marked Pakistan Defence Day with special ceremonies. Students gave speeches and performed tableaus on national songs, patriotism, and the sacrifices of martyrs.

Stay tuned for more updates on the impactful work of Alkhidmat Foundation in the coming weeks.

Weekly Highlights (August 26 – 31, 2024)

By Alkhidmat Foundation Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Bio. Alkhidmat has acted efficiently and provided help to victims of disasters whether that was the recent 2022 Pakistan flood or the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir.

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