- Wafa Murtaza
- March 26, 2025
- Updated about
When the 27th of Ramadan coincides with Jumu'ah night, it is seen as a particularly auspicious occasion, combining the significance of both events.
Jumu'ah al-Wida (Last Friday of Ramadan) holds significant spiritual importance in Islam. It is the final Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, and it carries a unique status due to several reasons. The Friday prayers, combined with the heightened spirituality of Ramadan, create a potent moment for Muslims to ask Allah for mercy and blessings. The rewards for good deeds are believed to be multiplied during Ramadan, and the last Friday is seen as an opportunity to maximize those rewards.
Muslims use this Friday to prepare spiritually and mentally for Eid, a day of joy and gratitude for the successful completion of fasting and worship during Ramadan.
Juma Tul Wida date in Pakistan
It is on 28th of March 2025, which is also 27th of Ramadan 2025.
Significance of Juma Tul Wida
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasized the blessings of Friday. He said, "The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday." (Sahih Muslim) It is a day when Muslims believe that Allah showers special mercy and blessings upon them.
Holy Prophet called juma as syyed ul ayyam and eid day for muslims. This day hazrat adam was born and sent to jannah same day, day of judgment will be .
It is a time for asking Allah for forgiveness for any shortcomings during Ramadan and for supplicating for a successful year ahead. Many also pray for the well-being of the Muslim Ummah (community) worldwide.
Why to Pay Attention to the Night of Thursday March 27th 2025
When this night falls on a Friday (Jumu'ah), which is already regarded as the most blessed day of the week in Islam, the combination of both events elevates the occasion even further. Jumu'ah itself is a day of congregational prayers and reflection, and its virtues are mentioned in several Hadiths. Therefore, the overlap of Laylat al-Qadr and Jumu'ah night is seen by many as a unique and powerful opportunity for worship, seeking forgiveness, and making du'a (supplications).
We look out for laylatul Qadr now
How Hazrat Abdullah Ibn e Abbas relates Shab e Qadr to 27th of Ramadan with three facts.
1st Surah Qadr has thirty words and 27th word of Surah is “hiya”, by relating this fact Shab e Qadr is 27th of Ramadan.
2nd fact Hazrat Abdullah narrated is that, Allah loves digit 7 so much and many creation of Allah is based on number 7 i.e. seven skys, seven earth, seven days of week, Tawaf , Safa Marwa also seven times, sajadah also has seven elements. Hazrat Omar appreciated this number 7 approach explained by Hazrat Abdullah.
Last thing they said that word laylatul Qadr consists of 9 alphabets and word laylatul qadr repeats three times in surah , when 9 mulptiplied by 3, its 27.
But these all are narrations and shows the passion of Hazart Abdullah that’s why it is considered among other Riwayaat' regarding Laylatul qadr.
Since the exact night is unknown, it is important to seek out the last ten nights of Ramadan and increase your acts of worship, hoping to experience the blessings of Laylatul Qadr.
Every single one of those nights has the potential to be most consequential night of your life and so for ten night Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala will be looking out to his creation and we ask Allah Subhanuwa te’ala will be looking out to his creation and we ask Allah Subhanuwa te’ala what he sees from us is pleasing to him.
Reward of Laylatul /Qadr
Prophet PBUH said man qama laylatul qadr imanan wa ihtisaban ghufira lahu taqadama min dhanbihi.
Whoever stands up, whoever observes laylatul qadr with faith and seeking to the reward from Allah, Allah will forgive them for all of their previous sins.
Duas for Laylatul Qadr
On laylatul qadr Allah’s mercy is abundant, and we can ask him for any wishes. This dua can open the doors to his blessings and protections. It’s a night when all your prayers are answered in this powerful night.
Make Dua for Ummah
It’s important to make du’a for our Muslim brothers and sisters across that world, and to ask Allah (SWT) to grant them ease, patience and fulfil their needs. This laylatul Qadr, make sure to pray for our brothers and sisters who have been affected in Palestine Gaza. It’s also recommended to read the following du’a:
‘Allahumma aslih Ummata Muhammad. Allahumma farrij ‘an Ummati Muhammad. Allahumma Rham Ummata Muhammad [sallAllahu alayhi wasalam]
Dua for Parents
My lord have mercy upon them (parents) as they brought me up (when I was) small
Dua for Guidance
O Allah! I ask you for guidance and pity and abstinence from the unlawful and modesty and contentment and sufficiency.
Why 27th of Ramadan is considered Laylatul Qadr
The 27th night is traditionally considered Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Decree), a night mentioned in the Qur'an as being better than a thousand months (Qur'an 97:3). It’s a night for intense prayer, reflection, and supplication.
7 Digit amazing facts in Islam
Seven heavens, seven days a week, seven circuits of Tawaf, seven days of creation, etc.
What is Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr (also known as the Night of Decree or Night of Power) is one of the most significant nights in the Islamic calendar. Laylatul Qadr falls during the last ten days of Ramadan, specifically on one of the odd-numbered nights (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, or 29th). However, it’s recommended to seek it in any of the last ten nights, especially the odd nights (21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th).
How to Find Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr takes place on an odd night during the last ten nights of Ramadan:
Search for the night of qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. Sahi bukhari
Signs of Laylatul Qadr
Laylatul Qadr is often described as a peaceful, serene night. The environment may feel calm, and there may be a sense of tranquility in the air, where nothing feels too overwhelming or harsh. It is all peace until the break of Dawn. Quran, surah Al-Qadr-97:, On Laylatul Qadr, angels descend in abundance
Things to do in Laylatul Qadr
Increase the Night Prayers (Taraweeh & Qiyam al-Lail), Make Du'a (Supplication, Recite and Reflect on the Qur'an, Give Charity (Sadaqah), Itikaf (Spiritual Retreat), Make Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah), Engage in constant
What Dua Holy Prophet advised for Laylatul Qadr
The best dua for Laylatul Qadr (the Night of Decree) in Ramadan is the one that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recommended. It is reported in Sahih Muslim:
“Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun tuhibbul ‘afwa fa’fu ‘anni” (O Allah, You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me)
What are the Rewards of Laylatul Qadr- The Night of Power
Zakat and Sadaqah in Ramadan is rewarded 70 times as compared to normal days of year.
What is jumma Tul Wida
last Friday of Ramadan some times 4 and, some times 5
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