Community Services
Alkhidmat's Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah: Bridging Tradition and Social Equity

A Tradition of Compassion and Service

Alkhidmat Foundation, a prominent Pakistani non-profit, has a long history of serving underprivileged communities. Their Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah program is a shining example of this commitment. Rooted in Islamic tradition and social responsibility, the program brings relief and joy to those who need it most during Eid al-Adha.

 A Legacy of Service:

Established in 1990, Alkhidmat Foundation's mission is to serve humanity, regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity. Their dedication extends to various social welfare programs, including healthcare, education, disaster management, orphan care, and clean water initiatives. Among these, the Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah program stands out for upholding Islamic values and promoting social equity.

Qurbani for the Greater Good

Qurbani, the act of sacrificing an animal in the name of Allah during Eid al-Adha, is a significant Islamic practice. Alkhidmat's Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah ensures this tradition fulfills both religious obligations and a greater social purpose. The foundation organizes the sacrifice of animals and the distribution of meat to underprivileged families, making Eid a time of joy and sustenance for those who would otherwise struggle.

Impact on Underprivileged Families 

Alkhidmat's Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah program is meticulously planned to maximize its reach and impact. The program operates in both urban and rural areas, ensuring even the most remote communities receive support. Each year, thousands of animals are sacrificed, providing nutritious meat to millions in need. For many families, this meat is a rare source of protein, vital for health and well-being.

Beyond Pakistan's Borders

The spirit of Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah transcends geographical boundaries. Alkhidmat also facilitates Qurbani projects in other countries with significant Muslim populations. This ensures that underprivileged communities worldwide can benefit from this charitable initiative.


Alkhidmat's Qurbani Fi Sabeel Lillah program is a powerful example of how religious traditions can be leveraged to promote social justice and alleviate hunger. By providing nutritious food to those in need, Alkhidmat helps families celebrate Eid al-Adha with dignity and fosters a more equitable society.


By Farzeen Arshad