Water Well

Our Services


About Water Wells

A universally acknowledged human right, yet millions remain deprived. Despite ample fresh water globally for all purposes, many are compelled to rely on unclean sources, jeopardizing health and diminishing human dignity. Alkhidmat's Water Wells are our solution, bridging this gap and restoring opportunity and life's essentials to those in need.


Alkhidmat WASH Program is one of the seven crucial areas of service provided by Alkhidmat Foundation for the betterment of humanity. We are committed to ensuring clean water accessible to all as well as showing communities the important links between clean water, health, sanitation and good hygiene practices. For this, we are also working with partners, civil society, government stakeholders and the media to spread these messages as widely as possible. The Alkhidmat WASH Program has funded more than 17 thousands projects in six Provinces of Pakistan to help more than 6 million people get access to water, hygiene education and improved sanitation.

Water Well
Water Well
Water Well


What are Alkhidmat's Water Wells?
Why the focus on Water Wells?
How do these wells ensure the water remains uncontaminated?
Where are these Water Wells primarily constructed?
How are the locations for Water Wells selected?